advancing generosity & organizations
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Advancing Generosity & Organizations

Proago comes alongside organizations, providing values-based, effective consulting in resource mobilization (fundraising). Our consulting is tailored to the national culture, and focuses on local, domestic sources of funding, not foreign funding. We help leaders to become more generous, themselves, and to build highly-relational strategies for their organizations.

Consulting Phases

Scripture-based: “Think Big”

Leaders of faith-based organizations know the importance of being mission driven, and led by values. In Phase 1 of our consulting, Proago will help your team set a scriptural foundation for the strategies and tactics that come, later. Often, this phase involves Bible study, book clubs and involvement from a wide number of staff, resulting in a new corporate statement of Fundraising Philosophy.

Right-sized: “Start Small”

Having laid a scriptural foundation, we continue the individualized process in Phase 2 of our consulting. Our history with clients has led us to identify about a dozen “keys” for effective, domestic fundraising. Through a variety of assessments, our team will identify areas of growth, and help you to develop culturally-appropriate, right-sized strategies for improved fundraising.

Change-Oriented: “act now”

We try to end every consulting call with actionable steps which can be pursued, immediately. Too often we see other well-meaning consultants provide a good seminar, without actionable next steps. Our commitment is to walk alongside your organizations - for multiple years if necessary—to help you actual grow in raising funds domestically in a way that both your culture, and scripture.

Proago Distinctives


Most of the organizations we serve already have a high percent of their total income coming from foreign sources. We help you add to tat set of foreign relationship a whole new approach to local sources of income, while still maintaining the former.


We walk alongside, helping to equip leaders of organizations to do their own fundraising, rather than solicit on your behalf. We look for local resources and strengths, and offer collegial consults, not “expert advice".


With Scripture as a common standard, we will help you assess and better understand your national and organizational culture. Through a process of facilitated reflections, then skill development, and eventually coaching, we treat every organization and every individual in a highly-relational way that honors God and His work in and through you.


Can Proago Help You?…

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